Türkiye Distributor
Türkiye Distributor
Safely for water...
Water is the main component of the human body. Water makes up 60% of an average human body weight. Body cells depend on water to maintain their function and volume, which is vital for optimum plasma function and therefore electrolyte balance. The body's organs also rely on optimal hydration to function at their metabolic peak. Given the critical role of water in the body and the body's inability to store water, it is vital to constantly replace the lost water (for example, through perspiration).
Water can be added to the body in two ways, the first and most obvious is by drinking water, the other is food is also a conduit for water intake, especially fruits and vegetables. The amount of water needed depends on a number of external factors such as physical activity level, health status and environmental temperature.
Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the body does not have enough water to perform normal physiological functions. The most important short-term effect of mild dehydration is mood disorder. In the long run, there can be a negative impact on cognitive function. Both factors can affect performance in the workplace. That's why it's important to moisturize regularly during the busy workday. Providing filtered drinking water in the workplace is an effective way to increase an individual's water intake.
- It should not contain disease-causing microorganisms.
– It should be odorless, colorless, clear and pleasant to drink.
– Water should not contain substances that give bad odor and taste to the water, such as phenols and oils.
– It should be sufficiently soft.
– It should not contain elements such as hydrogen sulfide, iron and manganese.
– There should be no harmful chemicals in the water, It can have a toxic effect;
Such as arsenic, cadmium, chromium, selenium, lead, mercury. In addition, substances such as barium, nitrate, fluoride, radioactive substances, ammonium, chloride are substances that have negative effects on health above the limit values.
– It should not contain nitrites, ammonia. These indicate that the water is contaminated with organic substances. Nitrate, on the other hand, indicates that the contamination has risen to excessive levels. The presence of these substances in drinking water is dangerous. It is even more dangerous for children.
– The presence of more than 200 milligrams of chloride in the water can be considered a sign of contamination.
– Flour should not be less than 1 milligram and not more than 2 milligrams per 1 liter.
– There should be 1-2 milligrams of iron in 1 liter.
– The most important substances that give water hardness are calcium, magnesium and chloride compounds.
French Hardness (FSD) is used as a water hardness unit in Turkey. Accordingly, the degree of hardness formed by 10 milligrams of calcium carbonate in 1 liter of water is defined as 1.
According to the degree of hardness, waters are generally grouped as follows:
• Waters with 1-14 FSD are soft waters,
• Waters with 15-28 FSD are moderately hard waters,
• 29 + FSD waters are hard waters.
In general, the spring waters are soft waters (1-14 FSD). They taste and taste good.
Yes, it is definitely healthy, But it is not the best quality water. A good WATER TREATMENT machine makes water safe for you. Eliminates all the above-mentioned damages. The most frequently asked question for the WATER TREATMENT machine is: Does it give pure water? No, it certainly does not give pure water.Thanks to the filters in it, after purifying the heavy metals and harmful chemicals in the water, the water is removed from zero with the baked coconut charcoal. It gives as soft water with 1-14 FSD accepted in the world. In this way, it is free from all harmful substances. You can drink safe water.
Alkaline water is acidic water. In a sense, it is the hardness of water. The fluids and organs in the body of this hardness must match its hardness. Although the alkaline value is indicated by ph, it is not clear. Because there is not yet a water purification system that measures which minerals are absent or how much they are. They only measure the Ph value and state whether it is alkaline, that is, whether it is hard.
PH is a term that indicates the acidity of water. The pH range ranges from 0-14. 7 is considered neutral, 0-7 acidic, 7-17 alkaline. The more calcium, magnesium and potassium a water contains, the less acidic it is;
Due to the fact that the PH degree of alkaline water is higher than that of tap water, it is argued by some circles and sources that alkaline water has many benefits. However, these opinions may not usually belong to doctors or researchers. In addition, world-renowned medical institutionMayo Clinicein “ The Benefit of Drinking Alkaline Water Has Not Been Proven “ explained. For this reason, before you start consuming alkaline water, despite all the possible benefits mentioned.you need to consult your doctor first. Because experts also have differences of opinion on this issue, and even according to some experts, alkaline water can be harmful.
Even the Ministry of Health in Turkey recommends that the alkaline values of bottled water should be between 6.5 and 9.5.
The most used rate of water in the body is the kidney. The reason for the increase in acid load in the kidney is not only insufficient intake of alkali-rich vegetables and fruits, but also the loss of alkaline-forming minerals such as potassium and magnesium during the processing of foods such as meat and grains. For this reason, protein foods such as roast beef, traditional sausage and pastrami, dairy milk are less acidic than refined foods such as refined sausage, pastrami, salami, sausage and box milk.
The increase in the consumption of refined foods with a long shelf life has increased the acid load in humans.
Our body tries to expel the acids formed in our cells in order to maintain its vitality. Body pH lies in a very narrow band between 7.35 and 7.45. To maintain this balance, acids must be removed from the body. Acid residues formed in our body are excreted through sweat, feces, breathing and mostly urine.
Human kidneys cannot excrete urine below pH:5, that is, acidic urine. Therefore, the acids formed (mostly phosphates and sulfates) are partially buffered by calcium from the bone and can only be excreted in the urine. The high amount of acid taken in the diet dissolves the bone calcium while being excreted by the kidneys. Meanwhile, acidic foods slow down muscle protein synthesis. This situation causes many health problems. In this context, acidic foods have important roles in the formation of diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, muscle weakness, kidney stones, gout, cancer and obesity. Therefore, it is very important to have a diet rich in alkaline foods.
The sum of the calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) compounds dissolved in the water is called the hardness of the water.
Very soft water is good to drink, but we cannot get enough calcium and magnesium into the body.
The main problem is not calcium and magnesium because people can get them from outside food. Apart from this, there are 84 elements in nature and in the human body, excluding noble gases. The human body needs all these because none of these elements are produced in the human body. The worst part is that there is no proper source from which to get some natural minerals (selenium, molybdenum, vanadium, magnesium, lithium, cobalt etc.). Almost all of these minerals are found in quality spring waters, mineral waters (not soda) and rock salts and are very important for our health.
Therefore, if you want to take care of your health. From heavy metals, and away from Chemicals and Toxic substances If you drip lemon into safe water, a fruit you want (a fruit or substance recommended by your doctor) or by mixing real mineral water in a pitcher, you will naturally increase the quality of your water. The only way to understand that your water is full of heavy metals or chemicals is to measure it with a small TDS meter.